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epaχios — Software for Procurement

Order System


Allo workflows throughout the order process (order, order change, order response, dispatch notification, goods receipt, invoice or debit note, payment advice) can be fully automated. All relevant industry standards are available for the communication with the supplier (e.g. IDOC, OpenTRANS, ZUGFeRD). Upon request and if needed suppliers can also work with the web front end and manually interact with our system.


Communication between epaχios® and your ERP system takes place via one, standardized interface, so that you will receive all documents of all suppliers in the same format and with the same transmission protocol - completely independent of the technical possibilities of your suppliers. Validation and preprocessing by epaχios® guarantee that only syntactically and semantically correct documents are forwarded which significantly reduces the number of errors.


Each gateway can be enabled or disabled individually so that you can skip one or more processing steps or leave them in your ERP system if needed, while others are sourced out to epaχios®. Bidirectional communiction is also possible, so that user interaction can take place either in epaχios® or in your ERP system.