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epaχios — Software for Procurement

Catalog System


A multi-supplier catalog system automates requisition and ordering of C-parts up to a high degree. Requisitioners are able to use a consistent environment to select from exactly those products which are unlocked for them. Within their budget frame their orders are transmitted directly to the supplier without any further delay.


The epaχios® catalog system provides you with full control over all procurement procedures. With budget frames you decide which requisitions are transferred directly to the suppliers and which have to be reviewd and approved by one or more supervisors or persons responsible for dedicated cost centers.

Each step from selecting the product up to invoicing is recorded and reviewable. All time stamps and acting persons are saved in a protocol and can be used for auditing and evaluation.

Statistic functions allow subsequent evaluation and analysis of suppliers, cost centers and requisitioners and their demands.


Epaχios® integrates seamlessly into your ERP-system, with your existing, individual software solution and into the ordering system of your suppliers. Simple and well-defined gateways at the key positions within the workflow guarantee trouble-free collaboration. Whether you want to create automated orders, to record your goods receipts in more than one system or to reconciliate your invoices – these and other customizations are possible.